*****創世法王彌勒 用人間的語言 講述宇宙的真相*****

----------------------論 語 On Dafa (Lunyu)--------------------------

  大法是創世主的智慧。 Dafa is the wisdom of the Creator. 他是開天闢地、造化宇宙的根本,It is the bedrock of creation, what the heavens, earth, and universe are built upon. 內涵洪微至極,在不同的天體層次中有不同的展現。 It encompasses all things, from the utmost minuscule to the vastest of the vast, while manifesting differently at each of the cosmic body’s planes of existence. 從天體最微觀到出現最微觀粒子,層層粒子無量無計,From the depths of the microcosm to where the tiniest of particles first appear, there are layers upon layers of countless particles,從小到大,再到表層人類知道的原子、分子、星體、星系以至更大,不同大小的粒子組成了不同大小的生命與不同大小遍及宇宙天體的世界。 ranging in size from small to great, reaching all the way to those of the outer planes that humankind knows—to atoms, molecules, planets, and galaxies—and beyond, to what is still larger, with particles of varying sizes making up lives of varying sizes as well as the worlds of varying sizes that are found throughout the cosmic body.對不同層次粒子本體上的生命來說,大於這一層的粒子就是他們天空中的星球,層層如此。Lives at any of the various planes of particles perceive the particles of the next larger plane to be planets in their skies, and this is true at each and every plane.對宇宙各層生命來說無窮無盡。To the lives at each plane of the universe, it seems to go on infinitely. 大法還造就了時間、空間、眾多的生命種類及萬事萬物,無所不包,無所遺漏。 It was Dafa that created time and space, the multitude of lives and species, and all of creation; all that exists owes to it, with nothing outside of it. 這是大法真、善、忍特性在不同層次中的具體體現。All of these are the tangible expressions, at different planes, of Dafa’s qualities: Zhen, Shan, and Ren.

  人類的探索宇宙、生命方式再發達,也只是在洞見低層宇宙中人類所存在的空間局部。However advanced people’s means of exploring space and probing life may be, the knowledge gained is limited to certain parts of this one dimension at a low plane of the universe, where human beings reside.史前人類出現的多次文明中都探索過其它星球,Other planets were explored before by humans during civilizations predating history. 可是飛的再高再遠,也沒離開人類所存在的空間。人類永遠也不可能真正認識宇宙的真實展現。Yet for all the heights and distances achieved, humankind has never managed to depart from the dimension in which it exists, and the true picture of the universe will forever elude it.人類要想了解宇宙、時空、人體之迷,唯有在正法中修煉,得正覺、提高生命層次。If a human being is to understand the mysteries of the universe, space-time, and the human body, he must take up cultivation of a true Way and achieve true enlightenment, raising his plane of being.修煉中也會使道德品質提高,Through cultivation his moral character will elevate, 在分辨出真正的善與惡、好與壞、走出人類層次的同時,and once he has learned to discern what is truly good from evil, and virtue from vice, and he goes beyond the human plane,才會看到、才會接觸到真實的宇宙及不同層次不同空間的生命。he will see and gain access to the realities of the universe as well as the lives of other dimensions and planes.

  人類的探索是為了技術競爭,藉口是改變生存條件,While people often claim that their scientific pursuits are to “improve quality of life,” it is technological competition that drives them. 多數是以排神、放縱人類道德自我約束為基礎的,And in most cases they have come about only after people have pushed out the divine and abandoned moral codes meant to ensure self-restraint. 因此過去人類出現的文明才多次被毀掉。 It was for these reasons that civilizations of the past many times met with destruction. 探索中也只能侷限在物質世界之內,方式上是當一種事物被認識了才去研究它,Yet people’s explorations are necessarily limited to this material world, and the methods are such that only what has been recognized is studied. 而在人類空間中摸不著、看不到的、但是客觀上存在的、而又能實實在在反映到人類現實中來的現象,Meanwhile, things that are intangible or invisible in the human dimension, but that do objectively exist and do reveal themselves in real ways in this immediate world包括精神、信仰、神言、神跡,在排神的作用下從來不敢觸及。—such as spirituality, faith, divine word, and miracles—are treated as taboo, for people have cast out the divine.

  如果人類能以道德為基礎提升人的品行、觀念,If the human race is able to improve its character, conduct, and thinking by grounding these in moral values,那樣人類社會的文明才能長久,神跡也會在人類社會重新出現。 it will be possible for civilization to endure and even for miracles to occur again in the human world. 在過去人類社會中也多次出現過半神半人的文化,使人類提升了對生命對宇宙真正的認識。Many times in the past, cultures in which there was a strong divine presence have appeared in this world and helped people to arrive at a truer understanding of life and the universe.人類對大法在世間的表現能夠體現出應有的虔誠與尊重,那會給人、給民族或國家帶來幸福或榮耀。When people show the appropriate respect and reverence towards Dafa and the forms it takes here in this world, they, their race, or their nation will enjoy blessings, honor, and glory.天體、宇宙、生命、萬事萬物是宇宙大法開創的,生命背離他就是真正的敗壞;Any life that turns away from Dafa, however, is truly corrupt, for it was Dafa—the Great Way of the universe—that created the cosmic body, the universe, life, and all of creation. 世人能夠符合他就是真正的好人,同時會帶來善報、福壽;Any person who can align with Dafa is truly a good person, and will be rewarded and blessed with health and happiness.作為修煉人,同化他你就是個得道者──神。 And any cultivator who is able to become one with Dafa is an enlightened one—divine.


Li Hongzhi
May 24, 2015

創世法王用人間的語言 講述宇宙的真相  


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