Earth's Civilization Facts Two Hundred Million Years Ago


Yi Shot down Nine Suns in Star Wars among Prehistoric Humans

Prehistoric Star Wars-The Luna War


兩億年前 三界被創造
Two hundred million years ago, three Realms were created.

The God down to the earth created humans according to their images (hulls).

"Creator of the universe"  called together the world's humans to make the "Moon."

The first Earth human survived explored due to a thermal nuclear war.

神造新的地球 月球從星際巡航返回太陽系
God made a new Earth, and the moon returned to the solar system with the interstellar cruise.

6700萬年前大隕石 使恐龍與人類大滅絕
67 million years ago, a large aerolite led to the mass extinction of the dinosaurs and humans.

重複N次的人類文明起落 多次的石器時代
The rise and fall of human civilization and the Stone Age repeating numerously 

Ten thousand and two thousand years ago, the war between Atlantis and the Mu continent

4300多年前(西元前2297年)金星掠地 引起全球性大洪水
4300 years ago. (2297 BC) Venus into the solar system caused by the global Flood

4000多年前 外星艦隊入侵地球 羿射九日
4000 years ago, an alien invaded the Earth and Hou Yi shot down nine suns

200年前 人類被進入工業革命的時代~今天
200 years ago, mankind entered the era of the Industrial Revolution till today.


人類的被創造 是有目的地 這是所有生命都要尋找的謎!
Mankind was created with a destination that is the mystery all life has been looking for.


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